Wisdom Teeth Removal

Seamless Wisdom Teeth Removal Solutions By Blacktown Dental Group

Wisdom teeth are those last molars that pop up at the back of your mouth. They usually show up in your late teens or early twenties. Now, you may be thinking, “Why do I need these extra teeth?” Well, here’s the deal: back in the day when our ancestors had a diet of rougher foods, wisdom teeth were helpful for chewing and grinding it all down.

But nowadays, our diets have changed, and our jaws have become smaller over time. So, these extra teeth often cause trouble by growing in crooked or impacted positions.

That’s where Blacktown Dental Group comes to the rescue, as we specialise in wisdom teeth removals to prevent any pain or complications down the road. Trust us; we will take good care of you!

Wisdom Teeth Removal

At Blacktown Dental Group, we offer comprehensive smile care to people of all ages. Every member of your family has access to a full suite of solutions at our practice. If you’re a young adult or have a child in their teens, it may be time to talk about wisdom tooth removal surgery.

Why Wisdom Teeth Matter

The wisdom teeth typically finish developing between the mid-teens to late 20s. Unfortunately, their location at the back of the mouth tends to make it more challenging for them to come in correctly or keep clean. As a result, third molars are highly susceptible to complications like:

  • Crowding and changes to your bite
  • Cysts
  • Gum disease
  • Impaction
  • Partial eruption
  • Pressing into adjacent teeth
  • Swelling and jaw pain
  • Tooth decay

Thanks to advanced techniques and comfortable pain-relief strategies, we can proactively remove your wisdom teeth before they cause additional pain or complications. Severely impacted third molars may require a referral to an oral surgeon.

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Planning for a Wisdom Tooth Removal

The number of wisdom teeth that you need to have extracted will impact the length of your appointment. Some people only need one or two removed, while others have more than four that require an extraction.

Plan to take off at least two weeks from work or school for recovery. We’ll provide you with a set of written home-care instructions regarding medication, oral hygiene, diet and pain management.

Unless your sutures are dissolvable, we’ll need to see you a few days after your extraction to remove them. In the meantime, let us know if you develop a fever or swelling.

Stock up on soft foods and ways to stay hydrated as you heal. Pudding, sports drinks, applesauce and milkshakes are just a few examples of what you may want to eat until the extraction sites fully heal. Contact us today for an appointment if you have any wisdom tooth issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age do people get wisdom teeth?

The majority of people get their wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth also can erupt in the pre-teen years or even as an older adult.

Does having wisdom teeth removed hurt?

Though we cannot guarantee pain-free procedures, we do our best to minimise your discomfort. We offer nitrous oxide (‘laughing gas’), a gentle inhalation sedation (analgesic).

We will only begin your procedure once you feel that you are ready. Afterwards, we advise you on all proper instructions to speed your recovery.

Do all four wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Some people require one or two, while others need to have all four wisdom teeth removed. After your consultation, we’ll be able to tell you what is best for your situation.

What if I have a complex case?

If your wisdom teeth require specialist care, we’ll be happy to refer you to someone in our network. We’re pleased to say that the majority of cases can be handled in-house.

Will my face swell after my wisdom teeth are removed?

Following wisdom teeth removal, it’s normal to experience some swelling and bruising. The swelling typically improves after a few days, but the bruising may take a few more days to go away. Applying an ice pack as directed by our office can address any swelling.

Can I brush my teeth after having my wisdom teeth removed?

For the first 24 hours after your wisdom teeth are removed, you should refrain from brushing your teeth. After that, you can brush your teeth but be gentle around the extraction site.

What if I have complications following my procedure?

We’ll let you know exactly what to expect after your wisdom teeth extraction is performed. If you think that you’re having a problem or notice any of the warning signs we’ve discussed with you, contact us straightaway. We’ll be able to advise you on the next steps to take.

How much will it cost to have my wisdom teeth removed?

Every case is different because the treatment depends on the position and complexity of each wisdom tooth. We also consider dental insurance. For more information about the costs of wisdom teeth removal, please contact our office.

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Opening Hours
  • Monday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Friday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday : 09:00 - 13:00
Denture Clinic Opening Hours
  • Monday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday : 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday : 09:00 - 18:00